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More in need of encouragement...

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Hi all,


I'm having trouble getting up the nerve to approach this girl I like. Most people say to look for a moment when there's an excuse to talk to her, but in this case I think I'd pretty much have to stop her in her tracks and ask her. I'm not even sure if she's interested, but I know she knows who I am as I helped out at a few practises and attend their ball games.


I guess I'm just asking if it's to weird to just stop a girl on her way out after a game to chat. And if so, is it better to make a little small talk or do you think I should pretty much just ask for her number?


As you can tell, i'm not used to meeting women outside a social setting (bar/party).





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hi bzborow,


i guess it wud be a little awkward to stop her and have a chat especially since u dont know her that well. u don't have her mail id or chat id or somethin'?? that wud be easy to get right??

then u can mail her introducing urself and that u got her mail id from so and so....and tell her that u r happy to chat with her or whatever. that shud break the ice.

if u cant do that...then i think u take courage, stop her in her tracks and start a general discussion...that requires some talent and experience...ask some exp guy to help u deal with it...i am not the person who can advice u on that...




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She already knows who you are and you both have a common interest. Why not appraoch her casually after practice and say something like 'So how was practice? or I see you played pretty well at the game on the weekend' You already have something to talk to her about her and maybe give some advice on how she can improve her game...Just talk to her casually the way you would talk to a friend


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