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having problems handling it...

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I met this guy back in March, like my tell u omg i was soo happy and and felt safe too with him...and its like when i don;t talk to him and get how was before upset and and unsafe and just feel ugly...its like my world is crashing down on top of him...i want to tell him but just scared i don;t want to tell him....what should i do?? he really hasn;t said anything to me...but just the comments he makes i know he does. remember he is 28 and i am 20.

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Okay, from what I could read it seems like you are lacking some serious self confidence. Why is it some important for you that he is your be all and end all? It sounds like your personal self worth and happiness is dependent on him. Why is that? You need to focus on yourself first and foremost.


Listen to me, a significant other cannot complete you, they can only complement you. Please understand that he cannot fully respect you until you respect yourself.


Start activities that help build your self up. Write, read, and paint. Start athletic activities where you can feel successful in. Build yourself up and this won't is an issue. I hope I answered your question; I had a hard time reading your post. If I didn't answer your post to

your satisfaction, could you please repost it with more detail? thanks.

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