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Blemishes.......Get them off!!!!

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What about Clearasil. It's fairly inexpensive. If you like the natural route then you could try a littl tea tree oil. Just don't use anything harsh because you don't want to overdry your skin either. Also, stick with non-comedegenic products and an oil-free moisturizer.

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i use neutrogene...Mask and face wash in one...

it makes my face feel so clean..buttt yeah thats me...


Astringin at night like get cotton sqab and dab it on your oily areas of your face where blemishes seem to be comin in at...


if you wear makeup those blemishes will never disappear..

Id stop wearing the heavy liquid and switch to just lotion and

maybe a little bit of powder...


Im not sayin forever, but if youd like clear skin..Oily makeup

isnt the solution


Yeeeah...Proactive is a heck of a lot of money!!

but yeah...

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