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How can I get my girlfriend to want to play around?

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I've had this girlfriend for quite a long time now and everytime we're together it seems like she wants to play around but is affraid to. I was wonderng what I could do that would make her want to play around or "put out" per say mor than she is?

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watching porn? lol


just dont rush her, if she aint ready for anything more then forget it, and be patient young warrior. Just spend lots of time kissing and touching in the right places (if you don't know those then nevermind you aint ready either).

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Hello Shabby,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am pleased to read that you are getting along with your girlfriend so well. I understand that you'd like to play around with her a little, but that you don't know how.


My suggestion is to wait and take things slow. She might not be entirely ready for all this. You cannot force her in doing things she doesn't want to do yet. I can hear you saying now: "But I think she does!". The truth is that a lot of people regret loosing their virginity too soon and/or regret that they start to be sexually active too early. I believe that many members on eNotalone.com symphatize me with that.


That's why I would advice you to wait for her till she feels totally comfortable and she's entirely ready, in order to avoid having regrets later on, as well.


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck in what you do.


~ SwingFox ~

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