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Facing the Truth

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Hello all.


Yes i kinda have something to say.I been traying to figuer it out,but so far..nothing.


This does not go to any of the sexes or whatever.And sorry if i make tons of errors...im not100% good at english.


All our lifeswe been told different things like,Theres 12,6,2,100,...put any number of Person for the opposite sex.We been told or madeourself bolive that there are many different persons in the word.Different personalitys and many other things.I been living on this fairies world on hoping to find like the right person.Dont get me rong this aint some kind of frustration or anything.I found out that just some people are simply lets say not good inuff to iven hold a relation.Others get 2 many of them and cant iven seem to stay in one single person,while others just do it for fun.To be more precise,im about to hit 20 y.o.In all my life i been looking for this right person for me,like most of us .Only 2 times i been in love,once was on 4rth grade but that is just stuped couse one is 2 young and well you know the rest.The other one was about 3 month ago.She and i have so much in commun but it wassent going to work out couse she had a BF.Now i wonder we been told all that i mention just earlier.But how come i only met 1 girl who i can say its what im looking for.People here(enotalone) have been telling me that there are alot fo girls inthis world that i canot hang to just one and say there issent other like her or bette rin the world.But i say there issent.I havent met 1 single girl similar to her,they all have something different and something i can find i dont like just from looking at them.


I just whant to say,stop being fools,stop living in a lie that sudently out of nowere you will meet this girl or boy whos gonna pop out like an angel,stop beliving in the old cleshay of (there are tons like her/hem on the world)Thats all BS.Everytime i get onthis forums i see does old comments and attemps to cheer up people who are down and frustrated.Sometimes loosing all hope is freedom....trust me on that.Let the ships fall were they might.


In simpler terms for does who dont understand this saying theres noone alike,theres not another person you will find on the way better than probably a person you met.If that person you thout was perfect for you,thats the only one perfect for you.Stop fooling yourself in looking for another one similar,you will learn its like looking at copys of copys of copys with a diferent fold on each corner of the sheet.If hat perfect someonedoes its not atracted to you then so be it.Stop wasting any more of your life couse ofter all its ending one minute at the time.


I hope someones understands what im saying.Its really funny how this world works.Its like a dream fill with lies and constant attemps to make something your clearly aware like being frustrated or sad ot deprest go away ,while they sheer you up they go right after the next one and its like you had that moment and then its gone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I understand somewhat of what your saying but I don't really agree with that. I think that everything happens for a reason and when people come into your life it's to teach you something even if you don't see it right away. As you may know your relationships get better as you get older. And there are a ton of people out there you just have to go to different places to meet them. As much as you may want to have this one perfect person that you have in your mind at some point you will have to lose this perfect image that you have. Not saying give up on what you want, just realize that there will always be something that you may not agree with. That's what makes people different from each other. If you are finding the same type of person you should venture out and go to differnet things to meet all kinds of people. You will find that not everyone is the same and at some point you will find someone that you really like.

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