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To All The Young People

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first, i havent posted in so long because of compputer crashes, job, work etc. so sorry.


anyways, just did my AS-Levels (for those in USA, dunno what the equivalent is,err,exams at 17/18)did pants on them.


this is because i was studying subjects i didnt want too. i was forced into copying my brothers subjects because they did well in them, by parents and teachers.


now repeating AS levels with subjects that I WANT TO DO.


so the message to the 15-17 yr olds is this; think about your future, what it entales, chose the subjects that are suitable and more importantly-ones that you will enjoy! it is your life, your career and nobody elses.


by all means share it with whoever you trust, but you must not live out your parents dreams, friends ambitions etc.


before choosing a career or subjects or whatever say this to yourself;


"This is MY life, and this is what I want to happen"

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Yeah that is very true. My only problem with this is that I can't seem to motivate myself even while I know how important it would be to study now and get good papers. Wouldn't want to end up asking "do you want fries with that", but it's hard to stay focused when you know that your chances of getting the education/job you want are small.

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I can't seem to motivate myself even while I know how important it would be to study now and get good papers


if you dont feel motivated enough, are you sure that you are doing the subjects you need for said future career?


one of the reasons exam pass rates are up is because those who don't want to go to school/college/uni won't. why should they if they dont want to?


some do go off to do an apprentership, get a job, etc!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I can not figure out what I want to do in life, I have tried to figure it out since I was 10 and I'm not 21. I seriously have thought daily about this topic and I have no clue still and I've looked into every job imaginable. I think because I have a son now Im going to settle on being a radiographer (xray tech) because the money, even though its not great I can continue taking classes and my career can move up. I have an assoicates in general studies which equals poo, with a gpa of 3.3. I enjoy art, im creative but not compleatly gifted and there are no jobs in that field unless you want to be a teacher, but I lack the social skills. If you could tell me something, anything I would love it.

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