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i have this girl i know we are somewhat friends and she is always talking 2 me about other men and then when i ask her if she likes them she always says their just her friends. 2 day she was going on and on about her monthly periods. what am i 2 do now!!

the streets is not only watching they talking now
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It just means she feels comfortable with you. If you're uncomfortable with it tell her. It will jeopardize your friendship, but if you can't handle hearing about boys and menstruation then that's the best course of action.


Hope this helps.

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it is obvious that she feels very comfortable talking to you about just about anything which is a very good thing if your relationship ever progesses. if you are uncomfortable with the stuff she talks about just tell her you dont wanna hear about it. of course on the other hand she might be saying it to get a rise out of you

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