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Question about the male organ

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You seem to be worried about size, first i'll answer your question, No, gaining wait will not make the penis bigger, if anything it will appear smaller if you have a gut.


second thing, no such thing as a Penis enlargment drug, and those suppliments you see advertized in magazines dont really work, they may help with erection/libido problems though.


now I dont believe that hogwash that size isnt important to women, but low confidence is not attractive neither, learn to be a good lover with what you have, remember the avrg size for an adult male is about 5.8 inches. if you have a really small member, learn to be good at oral sex, thats the great equalizer.

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Actually, it's quite the opposite. Losing weight, if you're overweight, will, well, not make your penis longer, but will expose more of it. I think it's like an inch for every 20-30 pounds you lose (again, if you are overweight). Guys, how's that for motivation to get up off the couch and exercise!

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hahaha...lol@owlman....thats some motivation huh? size shouldnt matter, if a woman is in love with her man...


Different women have different preferences, when some women dont mind a small penis the size of 5 point sumpthin...u have other women that prefer 7 to 9 inches that gives them a tad bit of pain thats thrilling... Too large is uncomfortable, and not good for a womans body to handle it all...


Its all in how u work it, from what many ppl say. If ur not sure of ur size, i recommend trying new positioning of her legs, lye her on her back, and lift her legs as far over her head as u can get them...but most of all relax, because if she loves you,...size does not mean a thing...she loves YOU for who u are...



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Ok I see this is turning into a size doesn't matter.... Well I believe this is total bs. Women do not like it when it's too small and it hurts when it's too big. Every women is different in the size they can handle. I agree that love conquers size. however a few girls have told me that they wish their man (although they love him and would never cheat) would love it if it was bigger. Also, to the original question, if you are the size of a whale your member is going to look like a twig. if you are thin and toned it's going to look like the tree...

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Hey I am not talking about size in length, I am talking about thickness like girth. Or no matter how much your body changes your member will always stay the same? Oh and I am not talking like over weight, I'm talking around the 150-170lbs mark.

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