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Question for the ladies if thats alright

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Hiya Ladies!


I was just curious, some days do you feel quite flabby on your stomach and other days you feel like 'Wow! my figure is starting to look good!' is that natural? Sometimes I feel as though I have put on a couple of pound other days I feel quite comfortable.


Also, any ideas how to tone thighs and stomachs? I can't go to the gym until I get back home and start college. You see admission is free when I start 6th form for the gym!





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Usually I will feel "bigger" around the stomach area when I am on my period, or getting ready to start. Very normal...


There are thing that you can do at home instead of going to the gym-


Abs- crunches- you can do them on your floor at home

Thighs- jump rope- I am not kidding at all. I usually do 15 minutes of this and 15 minutes of running for my cardio- it's the best natural thing you can do (the jump roping)



Good Luck!

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