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Injured thumb...

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Ok I won't say to much about how I have injured my thumb 'cause well it was stupid and I am quite embarrased by it. Anyways... Last thursday I cut my thumb pretty bad and after I cleaned it up it was black and blue. I can not bend it, like when I want to grab something. Could I have possibly done more to it than just bruised it? It doesn't look broken but... still could it be without me knowing? It just really hurts at times and I don't know what to do. Does anyone know? Or can anyone help me out?

Thanks very much,


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You could have damaged the nerve endings or possibly cut into the joint which allows you to flex your thumb. You could also have an infection which would make everything stiff and swollen.


See a doctor. They will need to examine you to see what is wrong.

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There are clinics too. They offer low cost health care. If I were you I would also check into getting some kind of aid. These days you can't afford not to have some kind of insurance coverage. Bottom line is your health is too important to ignore.

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