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Can't Think of Anything...

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It's always been difficult for me to show- let alone say- how I feel when it comes to my emotions. But now I really want to show someone (a guy) that I care about him by doing something or making something for him. I'm a very creative person- Until it comes to things like this.


Does anyone have any ideas of what to do?

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Why not bake him something or take him out to a movie or dinner? How long have you known him? I guess it depends on how personal of a thing you want to do, but I think some choc. chip cookies or brownies would a sweet way to show you care. You could even attach some balloons to it.

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Why not bake him something.


... That was something I had attempted before... It resulted in a kitchenful of smoke and chocolate chip cookies that looked (and tasted) like hockey pucks...


I really like the balloon idea, though, I haven't really thought of that before. Now I just have to figure out what to put on the end of the balloon...


Are store-bought cookies a bad idea?

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Heck, I've used store bought cookies before. Don't feel bad that you can't bake. There are a lot of great bakeries out there too! Maybe even a cute stuffed animal. My husband STILL likes getting those occasionally and he's 36!

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I was just thinking, if you REALLY want to make something yourself and aren't much of a baker, you could make krispie treats. Those are super simple and I've actually added choc. chips (or any flavor you like). They are so good and no bake!!


Another idea, what about a nice picnic? You don't have to cook. You can pick everything up at your local deli.

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Thanks for the ideas thus far. I love the picnic idea! I've thought of that but have always though, "Oh no, does that mean I have to cook?"


My creative skills... Well, I'm pretty awesome when it comes to coloring books, clay, and collages. I can't draw, cook, sew. Fairly limited.


He likes sports (hockey, golf, soccer). He works out daily. He also likes animals a lot. Especially whatever those police dogs are (forgot the name, my mind has blanked on that). He likes sitcoms, also. His favorite color is green. He works nights.

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You say your good at collages, so why not do a special one for him? Or you could put together a care package with some of his favorite things. Or could you make him a police dog out of clay? I think they are usually German Shepherds, aren't they??? I'm having a senior moment, lol! Another thing I did for my husband was fill a candy jar with Hershey's Hugs, so he could have "hugs" from me while he's at work.

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I love the collage idea. A coloring book would be a fun idea too if each page covered a different thing you love about him or special moments you've shared.


Hmm. Sports? I once gave a friend a framed "press release" and "signing contract" from his favorite team which was personalized with his name, celebrity nickname (made it up), rookie starting salary, and a quote from his press agent. (Me!!!) To my surprise, he loved it and all his buddies were jealous as heck!!!! I ordered mine from a company, but if you do a little research online you could probably whip together the same things for pennies.


If all else fails, scavenger hunts can be fun especially if you're the last clue to be found. I'll leave the rest up to your creativity and imagination.

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