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Ok well here I go:


On friday night at a party I met this girl called Bec, she's pretty spunky we ended up dancing then kissing etc. At the end of the night I asked for her number and if I could call her sometime and she says that she just got new phone and didnt know her number off by heart and maybe she cant remember or something. I say just give me ur no. anyway thinking she would get it right or whatever.


As it turns out the number was wrong !!!


Anyway she is a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend you know how it is So I find out that she didn't do it by accident and that she deliberately gave me a dodgy number!


Then on Sunday afternoon I get a phone call from none other than Bec, she says that she really likes me and all this stuff. So naturally I ask then why did you give me a screwey number and she said that right afterward she changed her mind and she was really regretting not giving me her real number etc. etc.


Anyways she wants to go out, im not sure - she sorta fooled me round a bit and now im hesitant...what should i do?

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Don't know buddy you both sound like if you both will not do more than go out. beside you both kissed on th first night and that may lonely be based on intamacy. If your heart and your mind is in the same place meaning that your emotions are the same then go out with her.



BUT she lied before and this is reality she will lies again sooner or later. Then you will ahve to decide at that pont if you want to say in the relationship or not if it developes..


GOOD LUCK on your decidion making. Remember that decision describe your life and actions towards it.

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oh just go out with her!

girls learn to do the wrong phone number thing like boys learn to ask...habit. you have to give her credit for having the guts to call and say she was wrong...I think that rocks. shows spunk and willingness to admit fault..thats a good quality to have.

Take a chance

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oh and I forgot to say, its always better to give a girl you're number instead of asking for her's....



Then there is no control

You see if you have their number you can call them when you want or if you want whatever. If they have ur number they won't call probably unless they really like you, alot of girls are intimidated to call a guy they met for an hour and dont really know i think....girls is that true or am i just wrong lol

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I've done this before and I'm a man ( ASHAME LOL ) You're ***ed as hell cause yesterday night you were too drunk and then you remembered what you've done and you try to fixed the thing ya know. Give her a chance to proove herself. Don't you think this is a great idea?



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