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good ideas for medium sized get-togethers

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Yeh, I need good ideas for medium sized get-togethers to get some of my friends (some of them don't even know each other) to hang out with me. And well, I dunno what to say/do... I know how to hang out with a couple of them at once, but I wanna hang out with all of them. Know what I mean? I had planned to do a BBQ, but it's supposed to rain for the rest of the month. And one of my friends offered doing something in her house, but was something like just going there, hanging out and playing video games, but I want something more fun than playing video games... Something everyone can do... Dammit, the BBQ was such a good idea... too bad it's not gonna work... Plz give me some ideas. Best wishes.

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Rain? well, you can try something that rain wouldn't spoil. maybe a water park? or a trip to a pool (as long as it's not lightning) or a beach type event.


you can still BBQ. Just in a covered area like most screened in pools have an area that is covered by something that is water resistant. Anyone have a place like that? Then you can BBQ and relax to the rain. There is always a positive.


How about playing touch/tackle football in the rain? That would be awesome!

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those sound like good ideas... But I wanted something a little more local than the beach type of even that doesn't require much driving. Well, I'd have to ask them if anyone has a covered pool. And I dunno if I could play touch/tackle football, cause some of my friends are girls and they're not into that stuff, lol.

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good for you dead eyes!! you're my hero! you see! you were all worried about the summer - your friends like you alot and want to hang out with you! yah - just do the bbq thing! even if it rains, bbq the food and just eat it inside - that's what happened to me when i planned a bbq once!


have fun!

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good for you dead eyes!! you're my hero! you see! you were all worried about the summer - your friends like you alot and want to hang out with you! yah - just do the bbq thing! even if it rains, bbq the food and just eat it inside - that's what happened to me when i planned a bbq once!

have fun!


Yeah, I could try... the thing is I don't have a grill, so I had planned to do it on a park. But the shack's roof is only of limited space... so I have my doubts.... Well, I could still try. Any other ideas that don't require much driving around?


BTW, thanks for the hero part, lol. Although I hardly consider myself a hero.

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tackle football, especially if there are girls!!!! trust me, they'd have fun. just don't try to hurt them. lol


Ok, I could try (or die trying, lol) to talk them into playing tackle football in the rain. It could be fun...


Any more ideas? Need to brainstorm here, lol.

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figure out some good indoor group games. pictionary, charades, thumper (big group game). maybe make it a movie day/night, and get everyone together to watch a movie on someone's big screen? or even do a PPV, and watch something on cableTV? Ideas...

anyway, fresh out of other ideas. I would say have a dinner with friends over, but I dunno if you guys can cook yet.

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figure out some good indoor group games. pictionary, charades, thumper (big group game). maybe make it a movie day/night, and get everyone together to watch a movie on someone's big screen? or even do a PPV, and watch something on cableTV? Ideas...

anyway, fresh out of other ideas. I would say have a dinner with friends over, but I dunno if you guys can cook yet.


lol, no we can't cook (dunno how to, lol). Well, I'll keep those in mind too.



Any more ideas?



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This might be 70's but what about a fondue....like the hot oil one where you cook your meat....Its good cause it takes awhile to do and everyone can sit and have some drinks and eat? It gives something to talk to! You could still get everyone to bring one type of meat or something, and then everyone shares when they get there. All you need is some salads and maybe rice or potatoes after that which people could bring as well. I've thrown a couple of these and everyone ususally thinks they are pretty cool.


If you don't own fondue pots you can usually hunt some down through other people to borrow.


Plus its inside!

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Pizza! Everybody loves pizza. And rent some funny movies- oh! Like Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. I love that movie, it's hilarious and John Cho is so cute ! It might seem like something that isn't fun to do because you can't 'bond' or whatever, but really, movies like those are really funny when there are more people around. And you can talk while you're watching it, if you miss a part just rewind.


The football might be fun. A year or so back I had a bunch of guy friends. We played football, and I had no idea what I was doing but it was fun to play in the rain and mud.


But there were a few guys who took it too seriously and wouldn't pass me the ball, or they were upset when I cracked jokes or forgot the rules or felt stupid hiking (or is it hutting, hunting? whatev) the ball. Ok, I really don't know all the rules for football, but just keep it fun, it's just a game.


You could also play soccer, basketball, or some other game that girls would be better at (I'm the CHAMP when it comes to soccer). Then again I know a few girls who rock at football.


Of course, you're 17, and my friends and I were 12/13. At 17 guys are a lot...bigger, so maybe you should be gentle.


I can't think of much else...uh, you could sit around and...talk, maybe?


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