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Ok well I have basically been feeling hopeless for a long time. I feel ok throughout the day, then I get depressed later on..I just wait for the day to pass and do things just so time will pass. I just dont know the point..I just kinda need someone to talk to but noone is ever there I tell people how I feel and it just makes it worse, so i am at a loss now. I dont even know what else to say..any advice?

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Hey there! I'd love to help, but tell me a few things about your situation so I can understand better. How old are you? Are you in school and if so, at what grade? Are there any things that happened in your life (especially recently) that may have triggered this? Are you on any medications for depression? Why do you feel like telling people about it makes it worse?


Regarding the telling part, I know that sometimes if I reveal somethiing about myself it feels worse rather than better, because "now they know". But the thing is, if you share with someone who cares about you, they're not going to care about you less. If anything, they'd like to help you.


If anything, many of us here have shared things about ourselves that we're uncomfortable about sharing, and found that there are many other people out there that feel the same way. That's why it's called eNotAlone.

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Hey thanx for your reply. Ok well first of all im 19, Im in college. I guess the stress of school and all makes me kinda depressed. I dont even know why I feel this way...I guess my weight...Someone kindof close to me passed away a few months ago..This one guy...lots of things..

Sorry, Im not good at sharing things, even to strangers..I mean every time I have ever shared anything it seems to make it worse....

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hey, i am willing to listen to your probs. maybe it would be easier for you to talk to someone who can relate to what you're going through. i can relate to what you've said so far. i am also 19 (almost 20) and in university and i just finished a really rough year: one of my close friends died, both of my remaining grandparents passed, and my mom had cancer, so i can definitely relate to what you are going through. its a really tough time for a lot of people our age but most people seem to think that we just over react about stuff like this. so if you need to talk, i am here to listen. i have had to grow up pretty fast and i may be able to help you out.

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I would say that you need a real structured environment with lots of books and things to keep you busy. Take some fun classes and exercise consistently. Eat healthy with lots of fruit and vegies.


Feelings of loss...you need to talk about those feelings, they will not go away. I took a psychology class on death and dying and it really opened my eyes!!

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sounds like you are just lonely and just need to try to open up to people - i know its easier said then done, but just try to open up to people - i swear, its a really good thing. sure some people will reject you, but to those who don't, then they are the special ones...


take care k.

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