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Personally i don't like doing anything my gf doesn't want to do.

We do try some things but not all the time. You know, add a little variation so each time doesn't seem like a carbon copy of the last.


There was ONCE when she asked me to cum on her face. I personally did not get a kick out of it, she said she didn't like it either so we have never tried it since.

Now swallowing. She has no problem with it at all.

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Every woman will be different. A respectful guy will at least warn the lady that he's going to do that so she can make the decision. An even more respectful guy will ask if it's okay.


Just so everyone is clear, despite how strong stomach acids are, HIV can still be passed via oral sex.

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LOL... Swallow... but it depends on what they ate and drank... too true. I've found beer leaves a bitter bitter bile taste... or maybe its just the way his system works... ughhhh...


And no two guys taste the same.


Face shot... uhhh nope.. not funny, not happening... and its not good for the complextion.. so save the urban legends.


Who mentioned that her guy likes to make her choke??? uuuuggghhhh... how mean is he. Thats not fun. Why why why would he enjoy making you choke.. If my guy got off on making me choke... I'd give him some TEETH to think about. lol.

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Yes, Kookie.. you can pass on AIDS via oral sex.. if you have a cut in your mouth.. that is another way it can happen.. Now.. be honest.. who hasn't bitten the side of your mouth accidentally at some time... and made it bleed?

Oh.. how i wish people would realize that AIDS if transmittable beyond having unprotected intercourse.

I see all these people having friend with benefits thing.. and casual sex where they are having sex with multiple partners.. I just wonder how many people have been tested for AIDs or STDS?

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I see all these people having friend with benefits thing.. and casual sex where they are having sex with multiple partners.. I just wonder how many people have been tested for AIDs or STDS?


My friend is a counselor for the city and she counsels people with STDs and sex addictions. She told me that she is seeing a lot of HIV patients who thought oral sex was safe.

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