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hi, i feel really embarrassed asking this. When i masturbate, i sometimes like to put things up my rectum. is this bad? i don't know if this is considered being gay. i like this one girl so much so i'm not really thinking i'm gay but i'm really not sure. i haven't really thought about it until now. is it very weird to do that or am i gay/bi just going through a "phase" type of thing. any responses would be very helpfull.

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The fact that you find anal stimulation pleasureable has nothing to do with your sexuality. Your situation is not unheard of, after all, the male prostate gland is stimulated when pressure is exerted against it through rectal insertion. If you've seen the movie Roadtrip then you'll get the idea.


In short, there's nothing wrong with you, and what you find pleasureable is not out of the ordinary, regardless of what sex you find attractive.

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Guys like things up there too! Not just girls.


Speak for yourself is all that I can say about that one!


Have you ever heard that quote, "Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so?" I have no idea who said that. But, anyway, if something brings you pleasure and it does not physically or emotionally hurt yourself or others, I say go for it!


And that doesn't mean that you are gay, although if you are attracted to men physically and masturbate thinking about them, etc. you might be. But, there are many ways to determine that. I've read about women sticking their fingers up men's rectums to stiumulate their prostate during sex and many men find it pleasurable. Also, sometimes butt plugs and beaded necklaces are used. I guess it enhances orgasm for men. I'm sure you could do a google search online to find out more about it, but no, it does not mean that you are gay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband has had one of the best orgasms of his life one time when I was anally stimulating him at same time as jacking him off. He greatly appreciates anal stim now and then. So, I think you are definitely normal and this is something I enjoy giving too so there are gals out there like me I'm sure! GL

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