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Telling a girl you like them won't help you at all.

Unless you already know shes intrested.

Saying you like them usually makes things more awkard.


If she likes someone else, prove to her your a better choice.

Show her what kind of person you are.

Take her out for lunch, take walks, anything.


It only takes a few hours(or less) for a girl to realize if they're boyfriend material.

So DON'T try to convince her not to like the other guy, show her your better.

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Umm, you ****** up. You don't tell a girl you like her, it's the lethal injection of rejection. You just DON'T do it. If she likes someone else then you need to beat this guy. If she likes skater-ish guys, dress like a skater if you already don't. Sure it's superficial and your changing yourself, but that's the outside not the inside. Be more flirty with her, see how she reacts to you touching her, there's a lot of things you can do. Look up some body language signs you can use off of google.

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Oh yeah like Shea said, show her who you are, so if you bring headphones to school and you see her in the morning let them hang off your ears so she can hear, then she has a better chance of asking what you listen to and etc... A LOT of girls like Dave Matthews Band and see it as a turn on (I'm guessing lol) so it'd be good to let one of their songs hang off your ears, not something like Nymphetamine by Cradle of Filth lol.

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If she likes skater-ish guys, dress like a skater if you already don't. Sure it's superficial and your changing yourself, but that's the outside not the inside.


..Yea. You can do that. But its a lie, and will screw you over.

The girl Im dating right now, is completely different from me.


She's emo.

Im prep.


She likes scremo

I like Indie


We're completely different in every way, But I like her alot, and she does too.

Opposites attract.


Act your god damn self. If she doesn't like that.

Who cares, you wouldn't last long anyways even if you did try to change yourself.


Future advice...again:


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Then you need a swift kick in the *** full of confidence haha. Ok so whatcha need to do is tease her, play with her head (Don't worry your still a nice guy, but not a jerk, it's just jokes that play with her personality, it's great to get her aware of you and attracted to you over a medium period of time like a few months depending how good you are, when you tease her it shows you have confidence and you don't care what she thinks of you, women's thing is confidence, it is always #1!). Also while your teasing (or if your not doesn't matter but would be better if you made her laugh while teasing her...or she's taking it SERIOUS because you suck at it lol! Nah, I'm kidding, what girl takes teasing as serious?!?!?!) make her laugh a lot. The more the better, and the faster she gets to liking you or gaining trust, doesn't matter it's all good because their both vital whether you have one or the other (well I guess you can't like a girl or have her like you without trust so yeah, haha, screwed up there).



*****You don't want to be a nice guy, or a jerk, inbetween is the way to go. Just a tip there.

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"I like you"


Why don't you just roll around in dead kitties, eat worms, and tell her your gay? It's probably not as bad as "i like you"


I seen some screwups in my day...and man.. DID YOU SCREW UP.


I don't see why people think when you say "I like you" they'll fall head over heels for you. Unless your johnny deep.


Keep it cool, keep it casual and for gods sake, keep it to yourself.


"I like you" was the best thing to say in kindergarden...




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