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standing up straight, yeah right!

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Ok so My problem isn't huge, it's not like it's a serious thing but I am constintly being told to stop slouching, stand up straight, sit straight in your chair. I don't stand up straight, it's a real bad habit, and I can't seem to change it. I want to stand up and sit straight, but If I was actually going to accomplish that I would have to be thinking to myself ok stand up straight 24-7, no kidding! I don't get it, there are a few people I know who say, oh yeah I used to do that too, but now I stand up straight cause I practiced. Well how do you make it a habit to stand up straight with out only thinking about that? has anyone here ever tried that?

well thanks.


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I don't know what to say because I've never had that problem, but its been proven that shoes and excess weight on the back can affect posture. You may want to considder getting differn't foot beds for your shoes, or even new shoes. If you do carry a back pack w/ alot of weight, you could also try to limit how much you carry. Also, strengthining your lower back mussels can improve your posture. Don't take my word for everything though, I wouldn't want you to buy anything you dont have to . It can be specific for each individual. I would deffiniately reccomend working out your lower back mussels for a start. You can probably find info on how to do so online. Good luck

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