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I'm really self-concious about my teeth

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Here's the story....


For a while now I have become really self-conscious and paranoid about my teeth and it's really effecting my confidence badly.


My teeth aren't badly crooked, the ones each side the front two on the top row of my teeth are slightly out of place. One sort of goes sideways and one is set back from the others. It's got to the point where I find it hard to smile sometimes, because I get so paranoid about it. It never used to bother me when i was younger (I'm 22) but now it does, and it's really getting me down badly. It's always there, on my mind and has been for a couple of years now, its a nightmare! What should i do!? I have had lots of girlfriends and they've never seemed particularly bothered about it, maybe they seem worse to me than they really are, but I cant shake this self consciousness about them. Argh! other than this I'm a good lookin' lad, been told that I could do modeling, and I get the sexiest girls eyeing me up in the street. Argh! Any advice would be very much appreciated!

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Our bodys always look worse to us then they really are, it doesnt mean that you look un normal because you're teetth arent perfect. Maybe no1 notices but you, try not to worry about it so much or it dose become a big deal and dont let it ruin ur self confidance because you will only bring urself down. If you dont like them that much then talk to the densit person about fixing them!!

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How about seeing an orthodontist?


They have those invisible braces now, that you can't even see while you are wearing them.


Also, alot of ortho's do payment plans, my best friend got the clear braces at asge 30 and she did a payment plan over a few years, it wasn't that much each month.

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If you are really worried about it dentist have payment plans. There are so many different kinds of braces put there now. I was younger when I had mine, I had the regular silver braces, and now my teeth are perfect. My best friend had the clear ones because she didn't want to smile and be able to fix the cable box by smiling, and her teeth are straight. The other day we were looking through pictures and you can't even see the braces in pictures ! They even have ones that are removabe! How convienent! BUT if this is not an option - which I think anything you want you can obtain- don't be self-conscious! Some people don't have ANY teeth! And as long as you have good hygene, who cares?

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