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weight question

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I was wondering if anyone here has ever had a major weight issue and if they turminated it or not. If so then please tell me how you did it, not what you did like eat and stuff, but what you did to keep yourself form eating and doing things you knew were bad for you. I can't seem to do it.

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I'm working on this now and it's going pretty well. What you need for the first few weeks is determination, and lots of it. During those couple of weeks you need to improve your habits and then stick with the improvements. After the first couple of weeks, the healthy eating pattern will start to stick to your brain a little, which makes it easier.


Basically the same thing applies to exercise. At first you have to force yourself to do it, but if you find something fun to do and then keep going at it, it'll eventually become enough of a habit where you won't mind doing it any more.

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