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she used to like me but now...

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There is this girl in one of my classes, she used to like me , i' m pretty sure, (she show all the signs), so i made my move, and asked her if we could study together, she accepted and seemed very excited.


I went to her house (she lives alone) we study, we speak of several things and we say goodbye in excellent terms.


from that day the signs that she gave to me were the "she doesn't like me signs"


¿What Happened?

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well friend there could be several reasons for her actions. Maybe she wanted something more when you asked her to go study, but you didnt act on it, and now shes mad. Or she DID like you but after hanging out with you, she changed her mind. And finally you could just be like me and just mistaking her niceness for signals. Hope this helps you out.

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Hope you didn't take it too personally. Sometimes you can't figure out why things work, and why things didn't work. It just happens for a reason. Take it with a grain of salt, it won't be the last time happening to you. But if you can learn a lesson from it, be it not to misread other people when they seem nice to you, or don't show too desperate. Hope it helped.

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"What happened?" You asked, I'm going to agree with rv350, and elaborate on his statement, "a grain of salt."


Perhaps if we consider the idea that everyday that goes by is an opportunity to become better at the game of life and social engineering, rather than see who we can score with, society might understand each other in a different light.


Now I use the word "score" loosely, as it could mean what ever you want. These are just my words for explanation, and may not have the meanings that you are thinking of.


Back to the grain of salt idea, in your upcoming lifetime, you will encounter many people everyday. Enjoy each moment, without expectations, and learn from others' reactions to your movements and gestures. As each one of us has something to offer another, one of our goals is learn how all of us can work/get along, as a team.


Does that make sense?

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  • 4 weeks later...

my first publication was a month ago, but since then she changed i changed too.., from day I began to ignore her, and I have noted she's really into me right now (damn i can't understand this woman). when i was hittin' on her she back off, but now that i'm not, she's aproaching, someone can tell me what to do..., ¿should i come closer to her, or should i stay in my present attitude?

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