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I love my ex....help me!

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ok people, here is the deal....

I started dating this girl about a year ago, and is lasted for about 4 monthes. But then i guess me started losing the spark...so we broke up..now i am having strong feelings for her again but i feel that she has forgotten about me. What do you people think i should do..And please be honest...how can i win her back over?


reply soon.....anyone


My AIM name is XxPunkerAcexX

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Hi punkrockmachine,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that you have broken up with this young woman. I understand that you (still) have feelings for her.


I would want to explain you that you cannot make someone fall in love with you again. That has to come from inside. So, you might or might not get back together. My suggestion is that you start to talk to her again. Say 'hi' to her and see what she does. Do some small talk and give her a few compliments and see what happens. If you feel confident enough, she might want to go out on a date with you again. Then you take it from there.


I hope that this works for you and I wish you good luck in making the decisions that will work for you.


~ SwingFox ~

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i would be better able to help you if i knew more specifics, like why did u guys break up? Was it on good terms or bad terms? Are you both still friends and can hold a decent c onversation together? Do you think she still care the same 4 u? and what do u think the chances of u 2 hooking back up is?


Just a few things to help anyone that may be able to answer you will be good..



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ok cookies..here is the deal....

we broke up becasue we didn't hangout enough while we were dating...we remained friends for a while then we kinda stopped talking...i will say hi to her every now and then but we dont talk like we used to, i feel the same as i did a year ago and i can't get her off of my mind. and i dont really know how she feels for me....i was going to sit down ith her and talk about it, but i dont want to creep her out





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Just so you know, this is my last post before I head off to bed. I know how you feel....and chances are she hasn't forgotten about you. I think it would be best if you sat down with her and explained how you feel...do this in privacy- tell her about how you feel, that you miss her, that you care about her....and most importantly about how you wish she was still apart of your life....and then listen to what she has to say.... Someone from an early post once said "one more day that you don't ask her out, is one more day that someone else could" - I think that basic meaning can be applied to your situation. If you love her, you've got to tell her, or your gonna spend the rest of your life wishing you had. Think about it.



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hey again..


ok thanx, that helps out a little bit,...


It sounds to me as if you two broke up for reasons that can be solved, and might even be easy to rekindle the love you once had. When we are in sutuations that we KNOW the problem, then the solution is to go back and fix it...in ur case, when u get back with her, think of places to go with her. Everything doesnt have to cost money either...picnics, walkin thru the parks, beaches, rollerblading together, tennis games, hiking together, go to a botanical garden together, or maybe even a camping trip...things dealing with nature...that are low or no cost...


IM glad that you kept saying hello to her, at least you maintained a sense of connection with her, even if for a little bit. Now you have to build up to courage to say more than just "hi". Dont worry about rushing into anything...this is when patience comes into play, as it will take time. Dont worry about creeping her out, because if she cared about you before, and you broke up for simple reasons as youve shared with us, then theres no reason for her to be creeped out othewise. Besides, she liked u enough to go out with you, so thats obvious reasons to believe that she doesnt think you're a creep.


Make sure that she isnt in a nother relationship with anyone before you sit down and talk to her about how you are feeling. but until you do, theres no way for you to know how she is feeling towards you. If she is receptivt to talk, that may be a positive sign that she may just still care 4 u. In the face of it all, just remain focused on what it is that you wanna say to her, and please...keep a positive attitude , and present yourself with confidence and allow her to see how you have changed for the better since she last spoke to you, to give her a bit more desirability to want to hang out with you once again, eve if only as friends...


good luck..





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