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Please Read, i need thoughts to give me some kind of hope ya

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Dear Fans,


Yes, im back i know you missed me, all of you. Just kidding but look. I've been with my girl for about 2 years now. Im 15, and we have plans in like 2 years. Im gonna move in with her cause there is plenty of space where she is. Im close to her famliy. My girl is a very jealous person. Me too but shes worse then i am. She thinks ill cheat on her with anybody when i wouldnt cheat at all, ya know. Im not that type of guy. I know its gonna be rough getting to where i wanna reach. At the same time my moms being a bitch. Anyways me and my girl is sexually active. I think its goood, but i know i shouldnt be doing it caus eof age and stuff, but oh well. And yeah yeah, people who know this... I heard it all, pregnancy all the bull, i know ive heard it many times. I think the relationships strong but sometimes im not sure if its gonna last. Does anyone think will make it? Help, Say something!

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Hi PuppyDog,


It's hard to say where your relationship is heading to. You're still young, so I would advice you to sit back a little and not to worry too much. As far as the jealousy part goes, I would suggest that you keep reassuring the girl that you love so much and explain her that this is something you need, as well. It helps. Communication leads to a better understanding.


I hope that this answered your question partly. I wish you good luck and a bright future


~ SwingFox ~

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