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Don't want 2 be a follower !!

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The past 2 weeks, my best friend has changed. Well she's a little ruder to me ... She barely recognizes that me and my friend are there. It feels like she's using me. She is a great friend though... She's in the middle of everything. All the higher grades know her. I mean i'm not jealous i just want her to know that i'm there and i don't want to feel like a follower.


I don't know what to do and i don't want to stop being her friend. I've been really nice 2 her. She is mostly known for her sarcasm and she's funny but sometimes her humor is uncontrollable that she doesn't know that it hurts sum1 else.


please help me .. I'm Speechless !!!





When lyfe gives lemons make Lemonade
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well sometimes people change and begin to act as if the people who care for them dont mean anything, there really isnt much you can do, except talk to her, let her know tat she has been treating you differently and how that makes you feel, all i can say is talk to her and hope that yall can fix everything.

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You have two options.


You can choose to tell her frankly that she hurts or drift slightly away from her and mix around with people you feel more comfortable in.


First Option, she might see you as a jealous person, but this is a good test if she can be a good friend of yours.


Second Option, you can prevent unnecessary sarcasm to land on you and you feel hurt in the end. This is a good way to know more people too.

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People change. Your friends will change. Don't let this change you or the kind of friend you are or want to have.


I had a friend that did the same thing to me. We were good friends, and then she started hanging out with other people. Suddenly I wasn't important anymore and she started treating me badly, so I figured if she could treat me that way, she wasn't worthy of my friendship because I knew I would never treat a friend that way.


A lot of people don't understand the meaning of TRUE friendship.


It comes down to this. If you can and want to put up with the stuff she does then remain her friend. If she does stuff to you that really bothers you, talk to her about it, and if she doesn't change, then maybe she isn't such a great friend.


Life's too short for those kinds of games. You'll have plenty of friends come and go in your life. I hope she realises she has a great friend in you and starts treating you like you deserve.


Good luck!!

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well the only i can think of to do is talk to her, let her know how she makes u feel, sometimes people act a certain way to try and impress other people, ur not a follower, u just dont want to lose ur friend, i really hope it all works out for you, take care.

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