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The Perfect Relationship

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Ok this is only what i think of the perfect relationship , after alot of experiences, i think there ought to be some ideas of the perfect relationship between any two lovers.


First , when you get past the chemistry and the whole getting to know each other part , being really close friends is the best thing you can do and i mean that in the manner of FRIENDS like think of him/her as any normal close friend you go to when in vain or happiness


Second , become best friends and make sure that both of you ARE .


Third , I think any relationship is like a building that has 3 solid bases that consist of 1-Honesty 2-Respect 3-Love if any of these are missing or not stable , then you either got to fix it or back out and this is were the loyalty to one another shows up where both of you are willing to do whatever comes to mind to fix it up , and honestly ive rarely seen any of those.


I wish everyone and myself good luck.

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Don't forget TRUST - Trust, Faith, Hope and Love - these are the most important things I believe in.

If you can't trust someone, you can't freely love them.

If you don't have faith or hope, then you won't find love.


Honesty, integrity, respect, communication - these are essential in a relationship.


There is no such thing as a 'perfect relationship'. Perfection is a laudable goal for oneself, but it's impossible to expect it from others. Some people do, and they are disappointed.

No-one is perfect, but in their faults we find perfection. A funny look, a cute pair of eyes, a quirky way of speaking - all the little things about someone, they might seem unusual or unattractive to others, but it's what makes us fall in love with them...

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