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Why do females flirt?

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Women like to feel that others are attracted to them. It is a form of control. Women don't necessarily care whether they themselves are attracted to that person (it also would mean giving up that power to the other person). Flirting is also one area where women have a distinct advantage over men. Those who are skilled are dangerous.

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Flirting is about perspective.


If you like a guy/gal, every single move he/she does is magnified 10 times and we'll start examining under the microscope, oh, what does he/she mean when he/she does this or that?


But it's also the most exciting time of not knowing if that person really liked you or not, right? Well, it is....the suspense and mystery...


Take it as it comes.... if you two were meant to be with each other, opportunities in life will arise, and you'll meet and you have a match....


Meanwhile, enjoy the attention that someone is showering you with! Have fun!



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