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What to say on a Valentines Card?

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I have this girl i'm interested in. And I went to her house yesterday to do some math homework stuff and I ended up staying there from noon till 11:30 pm. But I do like her more than a friend. When we were lying on the couch she would put her legs over me and we'd talk. But when her dad walked in she sat up kinda fast and later she said that she just did not want to disrespect him.


Then later when we were walking in walmart she said that she hated v-day cuz she didnt have a b/f and when she did have one they never got her anything anyway.


And when i left, she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. (She's latina-type and I'm not sure if she just did that for the custom or what).But I did kiss her back, on the cheek.


But I got her this card and i don't really know what to say on it. I don't want to be too romantic-like but i don't want to put off like i just want to be friends either....anyone have any good ideas of what to write?

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You can just say on the card "Happy Valentines Day straight from my heart & I'm glad that we're I'm getting to know you better. You're such a great girl!" Something of this sort should be fine, since most platonic friends wouldn't bother even giving her a card. Yet you are not saying that you love her or like her directly which is not giving her any pressure by telling her your feelings.

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I agree, at the very least it would be showing her that you have listened to what she said (about not liking v-day because she doesn't get anything) and care enough to get her something. As for what to say in the card, dont put anything soppy, just go with something that lets her know that you were thinking of her. Im not very good at writing things like this but you could try something like, "I love spending time getting to know you. Have a great day, you deserve to enjoy it!"


Good luck!

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quick note: she got into a car accident and totalled her car and her neck and chin got a bad burn from the air bag.


in the card i wrote: "Happy Valentines... It's been cool getting to know you. and I hope to get to know you better. You said you don't receive stuff on Valentines day, so i just wanted to give you something to show that I appreciate you and that I enjoy the time we spend together even though we haven't known each other that long.

And don't worry about a thing. Everything works out. You'll be driving again and healed up in no time. Love, Joe"



soung good? I need some honest opinions.

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