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BIG Problem! I need HELP!

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I'm 14 and I have a huge problem. I guess I'll just start from the beginning. Well yesterday, my school went to an amusment park 3 hours from where we live. my plan was to be with the girl I like for the whole day, and really get her to like me, maybe even ask her out. Well the first half of the day went great. it was me, her, her best friend, and a good friend of mine all together, with me hanging out mostly with her. We went on rollar coasters and water rides, I bought her lunch, it was great. then we all had to check in with our teachers at 2:30. that was fine, but than she and her friend had to leave for some dance thing they're in. so I spent the remainder of the day with my friends and had a great time. I wish she was there but I had had a great time with her and I think she was really starting to fall for me. well when we left the park we all got back on our charter buses and left. I sat next to my friend. in the seat behind us sat these two girls who I'm friends with. well the whole way home, which was 3 hours, we talked. we talked about everything. from movies, to who we like. and in the middle of talking with them, I relize that I like the one of the girls. I mean I still really like the girl that I spent my time with at the park, but now I really like this girl too. I guess the whole problem is who do I choose? the one at the park is hot, nice, funny, everything. the one on the bus is just that too. So who do I choose? Well I really need help here soon. thanks for reading this really long post, I look forward to you're help, or just you're thoughts on the situation. thanks, bye

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