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what should i do?

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okay, theres this girl that i like. shes in the same grade as me. i dont have any classes with her, i only pass her outside going to classes. the thing is, she always will kind of look at me when i pass her and if i look over in her direction she will look away real quick. i would really like to talk to her, get to know her but i just dont know how. i dont really know how to start. i sort of know one of her friends a little bit. maybe she could help me. any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Go, say "Hi", ask her name, be straight and tell her you just want to met her.




In the worse case, she'll slap you. If she is not that rude, she will turn around...



And you are back to where you started.


Of course, there is a big posibility she'll answer and talk to you.

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If you really want yourself to be known to her, you gotta just go up to her whenever you can. There's no harm in talking to her in the middle of the hall unexpectantly. Besides, if you're not going to do it then, then when will you do it? You said yourself that you don't have any classes with her and after school seems to be too much of a rush. Try not to wait for an oppurtunity, instead, make your own oppurtunity. As for conversational starters, you can't go wrong with what the previous posters already said. Good luck.

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alright man this is the way i would do this..........i would try and find stuff out about her first...like from her friends and stuff cuz u never know who you might start talkin to..ya know maybe someone wit a crazy ex bf, trust me that sucks big time....can cause alot of problems...but yeah man talk to taht friend of hers your know right have her say sometin good bout ya then like the day after just go up wot be like hey whats up? ya know i see you around all the time and never talked to ya ya know tell ehr your name get hers make small talk like that for a couple of days like 3 or 4 maybe to see how she is feelin ya then ask if she wants to do sometin sometime after school or on the weekend...and one more thing when i said find stuff out about her i dont mean become and a stalker...aight man thats it u got n e more questions just holla bak at the godfather...

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fristly let me say that i find this situation soooooooo CUTE!! ^^

i kno im a guy.. sorry if that seems like a feminine reaction!!.. but i jus soo love romance!! lol


haha.. ahem enuf of that.. lol


well,, im having troubles of my own too, n trust me u r doing better than i ever hoped to do with getting to know a girl.. im so shy, to the point wer im almost afraid to talk =_=''


anyway listen,, i really probably dont hv all that good advice compared to anyone else,, but, let me say that u cannot jus let this pass u by,, by all means take yor time with getting to kno her n possibly building up a relationship.. but wot i mean is dont jus wait for chances.. make them!!


haha, believe me the first time i talked to a girl i liked,, it was so weird n random.. i kind of got this other frend of me to pretend that ther is this guy who wants to see her,, except i was hiding in the bushes.. LOL can u believe that.. haha,, anyways eventually i had to come out.. n i was sooooo nervous... i was jus like "hhhi...mm.mmy... nn..name.. iis.. um... Ni..Nic... and um.. hi!!.. " ^_^;;;

seriously it was that bad.. but y'kno dont worry n dont be afraid to make a fool of yorself,, a girl can always see that u r trying yor best,, she may even feel honored to see that sumone is interested in her so much.. and most likely will find it cute if u ar a bit anxious n kind of act a little choppy!,,


go for it bro!!



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