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what is the deal with shemales?

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i go to art school in the middle of manhattan! lol ive seen it allll here.


transgenders, gays, straights, drag queens you name it!


its pretty cool though. seeing so many different kinda people in my school. lol


ill never forget my first semester there i was walkin to the elevator & saw my first transgender..i immediately called my sister & said 'holycrap! i just saw a dude with boobs!!!'


lol. i see drag queens at my school too. its interesting. there are no 2 people that are alike. 8)


we even had a drag queen proformance at my school. i got some cool pics w/ them.



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a drag queen is when males dress up like females. some can ACTUALLY play it off & kinda look like females but most look big & brawny but still try to squeeze their muscular thighs into stockings & a miniskirt & they usually wear outragious gear like feathers, wigs & big eyelashes. they usually sing & proform on stage & needless to say; they are quite entertaining.


a transgender is when a sex (M or F) enhances themselves (via estrogen or testosterone or even operations) to 'turn into' the opposite sex.



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I think that they are normally born that way. I learned in one of my classes that they used to cut off the incomplete genitalia...I feel for those victims!!



Whether you are a male or a female or someone in between, you deserve to have a sex life and enjoy it.


those are hermaphrodites (born with both sexes).

transgenders make themselves that way.

yeah i feel for them too. its an identity crisis & it carries such an indescribable devestation to them in 1 way or another.



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