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Just a quick question, do girls often tease the guy they like alot? Or is it in their 'nature' or whatever. Basically she thinks im somewhat of a 'redneck' and teases me (not in a mean way at all) about it every now and then, and i play along. She thinks im really funny, she said im basically the funniest guy she knows, and she mimics alot of my jokes, like "drink some water youll be fine" and stuff. Just curious,

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I'm going to say it really depends. There are two guys at work that I tease and make fun of. With 'Ben' it's just fun. But with 'Matt' it's beacuse I like him. I mess around with them about the same. It seems as though when I do mess around with 'Ben' people have gotten the wrong idea and Jumped to the conclusion that we like each other. It's more of a brother and sister thing.

But then again it really depends on the individual. I hope that helps.

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yah she's right.. it really depends.. but you could know.. how? try to pretend that you're hurt on what she said or take her words seriously.. then see how she would react.. if she get worried.. meaning she like you.. but if she would keep on terasing you after all .. then she just really love teasing guys..

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Since she doesn't tease you "in a mean way", it can be considered flirtatious; however, many people are naturally flirtatious and do it without realizing it. Even if she *does* mean to do it, flirting doesn't necessarily equal interest.


In other words, there's really no way to tell just from her teasing you. She might be interested in you as a friend, or she might be interested in something more.

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