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What is up with him?! Please help me understand!

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I have a good guy friend of mines and we're cool with eachother. Starting from about two months ago he started staring at me in class. I catch him all the time looking at me. I've liked him ever since the beginning of the school year so it felt good always making eye contact with him. Just about three weeks ago he was telling everyone that I was really pretty. Everytime I'm near him I get this weird feeling, a good feeling that i like of course. But anyway, I told my friends about all the stuff that happened and they came to a conclusion that he totally digs me. So one day I decided to gather up all my courage and tell him how I felt about him. The next day at school he was telling everyone in our group about what happened and that he thought I was only joking around. I told him that I wasnt. We are still talking and are still friends so I'm happy about that. I'm glad he still talks to me and stuff. But now, something has changed. He doesnt look at me as much anymore and now he flirts with the other girls in our class more. Why is he doing that? He told my friend that he still has feelings for this other girl who broke up with him and stuff. But I dont understand why he is acting the way he is. If anyone can help me understand or if anyone knows why he's acting like this please do tell. Thanks.

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There's prolly many reasons why he's acting this way. The human mind works in different ways, you know. I could suggest what might be happening. But I won't.

What's I suggest is that you ask him when you two are alone and maybe try to corner him so he doesn't have a choice but to speak to you about why he's acting this way. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you tell him that you loved him?

If so, you may have came on too strong...this happen to me recently and it's very difficult to get things back to good. However, if he happens to feel the same way he will let you know in time.


Patience is the greatest virtue!

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