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ex wants to hang out.

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We agreed to meet.am very nervous.how should ib act? Forget about our past and just be who I was when she met me? How do I tell if she wants to take things slow and figure us out? unless she verbally says it.


My guess is you are the one that was dumped and want her back? How long were you together, and why did you break up? Who initiated the meeting? Was there no contact, and has anything changed about you in the meantime?

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You must feel confident about the meeting. Be honest with yourself.. if you think you can be relaxed, far from needy and desperate and cool, you're in a good place. Otherwise, i would advice you to move the meeting forward a bit and stay no contact. Try to be the guy she fell in love with, indeed. Don't act!! But look for that 'you'.


You shouldnt express directly you want her back, but make her feel good. Make her laugh, and avoid talking about the relationship too much. If she does, keep your answers short. Try to bring up some good memories, but don't make it too Obvious youre doing this. Just slip a few in? Don't tell her you've changed literally. But do tell her about the new great stuff that is going on now. See how she reacts.. if she's making good eye contact, smiles alot and reacts to the memories you bring up, youre doing good!


But most importantly... relax, don't try to overanalyze her behaviour and let her do most of the talking.


Good luck man! Did this today after four months NC.. It's playing on the nerves. it's a normal thing!

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