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there's this guy at school whom i've had a crush on for the past 2 years but haven't really ever spoken to. this year we got to know each other a little in class. and one day he randomly asked me to 'hook up' with him. i totally didn't know what it meant so i turned him down. (come to think of it i still dont really know what 'hooking up' means) but now everyday in class we'd sit next to each other and write note back and forth. the notes arent like 'hi how are you' kind of stuff. they're always like 'ooo i want you.' kind of stuff. now here's the problem. i don't know if he's expecting me to 'hook up' (w/e that means) w/ him.. i'm a total tease when it comes to him and i dont know if he feels the same way or if he's actually serious. do guys like being teased?

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well hooking up can mean one of two things. When I was in high school it meant to "meet with someone" basically. Usually coming from a guy to a girl. Similar to saying "let's hang out" "Well, maybe we can hook up this weekend?"


Now from what I've been hearing over the last few years it means much more than that now. When someone says "Billy and Katie hooked up at the party last night" they usually mean that they did something sexual, whether that is oral sex, intercourse or "making out" (kissing and touching.)


It sounds to me that this guy is asking you to get sexual with him and I'm pretty surprised. I didn't have the marbles to write THAT on a note and pass it in class in high school. What if the teacher saw it?!


Anyways, it seems pretty clear that what this guy is getting at is doing something sexual, judging by what you said you rwo write in the letters. You should be careful of being to frisky with words if you are not ready for that kind of attention/interaction. If you think that you are, I cannot tell you to not do anything, but how do you think this guy would look at you if you were willing to do those things with him and you two had just met? You definitely don't want a reputation in high school. At least not that kind.


Sorry, but I just assumed that you are in high school, but going by your age you might just be starting college. Anyways, if you don't even know what it means, I wouldn't jump right into it. Kissing and a little touching isn't so bad, but you don't want to risk getting any STD's or becoming pregnant. If you are going to go that route (again, I advise that you don't just yet)always use a condom and you should get to know the person beforehand. People will use other people for their own gain, especially in matters like this.

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thanks for your advice! and yes i'm still in high school. my teacher doesnt care about the note passing b/c i have the highest grade. but then again, he doesnt know what we've been writing either. and i was kind of surprised when he asked me to 'hook up' w/ him cuz i'm one of the hottest as well as prudest girls at my school. not prude as in i'm never gonna have sex but prude as in i've never really 'done anything' w/ anyone. not a great combo i can tell u that.... this guy's father is one of the wealthiest men in the US so even though he's pretty chill about not being totally arrogant he still has that attitude.

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