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Afraid to see her

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Ok i've been doing Nc for almost 2 month now

Everything is going pretty good, i feel so much better than before and i'm starting to think that i'm over her, but i'm not sure. I still think about her but alot less that what i'm used to.


The thing is my friend are going to that night club Saturday and i'm pretty sure that shes gonna be there since her new bf just dumped her 2 week ago ( i guess that what goes around comes around )


I'm afraid to see her because it might bring back those feeling i had for her, but again seeing her again might help realize that i'm over her


Right now i dont feel like going there, but i should not keep myself from going out and having fun with my friend because of her.




What do you Guys think should i go or not?

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Well I think you answered your own question. If you keep worrying about going out to places since you may bump into your ex, then your just going to end up being a hermit and wondering if she will be at the grocery store when you go. Just go there, have a good time with your friends, and if she's there, then she's there. Oh well. If your over her, then there's no need for anything more than a friendly hello or a wave, and that's if you want to do it first. If she comes up to you and wants to talk, well that's just up to you, and that doesn't mean you have to talk to her if you don't want to (simply say "There's not much to talk about right now, but maybe another time" or whatever you want). If you do talk to her, don't get into a relationship talk, and don't get into anything that relates to an "us" talk. If you really feel like your over her, then you really shouldn't care about seeing her or not, but seeing how you feel a bit "uncomfertable" with seeing her again, then your really not "over" her as much as you may think. If that's the case, then just politely let her know that your not read to really talk to her, and that your just there to have a good time with some friends. Anyways, I'm just rambling, but I would just go to the club, meet a few girls that want to dance, and have some fun. If she's there, then she will get the point that you are "over" her and are there to have a good time with other people.

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It depends on how strong you are. If you think you're not over her then it's best not to go to the club this Saturday because believe me, it is one of the most painful feeling being thrown back into sadness. And the chances of that happening is high if you know you still have feelings for her.

Good luck.

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I've been there before. I live in a very small town where its easy to run in to my -ex-. It's almost a year since she left and I still find it a bit difficult to go somewhere when I know she's going to be there even if I dont want her back. My advice to you is if you dont know how you're going to react then dont go there. Im pretty sure it will set you back. Wait, be patient, give yourself some time.


But if this "party" was planned a long time ago with friends and its a special occasion, then I say "go for it". At least, if seeing her there sets you back then you will have friends around or you will be too busy having fun (very important to have fun if you go there) with your friends to "care about her.


If its another "common" night out with friends, do something else. I dont think you wil regret it.


If your run into her, just say "hi", "how are you?" and leave. Act confident and have fun.


I cant wait to hear from you my friend. Good luck!!




***English is my second language***

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