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I like my Best Friend. Is that a problem?

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I'm in High school, and I hang out with 2 other people all the time. You just can't separate us. One of them is a girl, the other a boy. If you watch Lizzie Maguire, we are just like them, actually, the boy looks axactly like Gordo, and people say I act like Lizzie, but anyway. We've been friends for about 2 years. Well, last year we all liked each other equally, but this year, its different. Instead of talking to both of them about my problems and things, I just talk to him, and vice versa. I finally realized that, I really really like him! I'm just way to scared to tell him. A girl from one of my classes said she asked him if he liked me. He told her, maybe, but he doesn't want to go out with me because it will ruin our friendship. OK, GREAT, he likes me, maybe, but, no he doesn't want to go out with me, DARN. I guess he's right, but I can't stand looking at him and talking to him EVERY SINGLE DAY, without being able to touch him, or kiss him. Besides, it won't ruin our friendship cuz even if we broke up, I will still talk to him just like I talk to my other ex-boyfriends. I think we should give it a chance! Should I tell him I like him and that we should try to date, or just stay his secret crush forever?

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Hi there! So, You got your friend to talk to this guy and tell him that you like him? Sounds a lot like something I would do... I always got my friends to talk to guys for me because I was too scared, but don't you know this guy well? Shouldn't you be the one to talk to him about this? And if he really doesn't want to have a relationship with you, shouldn't you respect his feelings? Perhaps he isn't ready to take the step into a relationship right now. And of course he likes you! You said that you were in seperable! I manage to talk to my crush every single day, knowing that it will never work out between us, and it's all right. I know this doesn't happen to everyone, but I went out with this boy once, and after we broke up, we didn't even look at each other anymore! Maybe your friend is worried about that happening.I think you should gather up some courage and talk to this guy, but remember, you can't tell him that the two of you should go out.

Hope that helped you, if you have any uncertainties about what I said, please e-mail me: email removed

Good luck!


Heard a good guote once... "They wouldn't call it a crush if it didn't hurt."

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