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Group interview. What should I expect?

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After months of applying I finally heard back from a job. They want me to come in on Monday for a group interview. I usually do very well in interview and the on average last about 40 - 45 minuets. I have never done a group interview before so I'm wondering what I should expect?

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Expect to answer the same type of questions as you would in a one on one interview. Actually the few group interviews I have had were much easier as the direct one on one contact sometimes can become uncomfortable if their is lulls from the interviewer. Group interviews usually flow and you don't feel the need to keep moving things along.

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I got my job after a group interview and two individual interviews that followed. I have since been told that during the group interview, what they were really looking at was personality - how we interacted with each other and dealt with the prompts they gave us, rather than whether we got all the right answers or not. I also found it a lot easier than the individual interviews because yeah, the focus isn't completely on you and you aren't solely responsible for keeping things on track.

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In my group interview, they asked a series of questions, one of which "what do you think will be your primary role as DSM?" and asked the other two first with me going last. Since the other two had pretty much said what I'd wanted to say, I think I appeared flustered and although I added "clear communication and being able to bring the vision of above and beyond service to the rest of the team" I think the fact that I got flustered blew it for me. Also, it was a really high paying job and since I'd be unemployed for some time, I think my desperation might have been evident.


The next interview I got was one on one, and I did so much better.


Good luck!

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