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How do u females like getting approached?

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I think it depends a lot on your age..my 16 yr old sister has a completely different idea of how she wants a guy to flirt with her or ask her out than me..personally I like having debates or indepth discussions with guys to get to know them (read: get to know their intelligence) but she basically just needs to know the guy is hot, tell her she's cute, and be funny & nice to her..flattery works for some people as well. I always like it when a guy is friendly, says hi & smiles to me, that's always a good start. And compliments are nice as well..

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Treat all women with respect even the not so lady-like one's becasue that's someone's sister, mother, daughter.


In my country, women are approacted in a very distasteful manner:


"Oye sweetness, come here let me taste dat!"

"Oye! sexy! Sexy in short skirt; look here one second!"

"Come here girl! when you gon let me hit dat!"


This is just an example of what you do not want to say to a lady. Try being sincere and it doesn't hurt to be a gentleman.


"How are you?"

"Your name lady, I wish to hear it"

"Hya doing, I'm jack; and you are?"


If you want, you can spit a few lines and rhymes but keep it simple and formal if she is someone older, or a little light hearted and relaxed if she's younger. Remember, a lady that respects you, grows fond of you.

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Well, I don't like someone to buy my drinks all night at the bar and think they are getting laid that night.


I don't really like it when someone comes up to me and asks my name and then asks for my phone number, either. Women have to be careful because we are vulnerable to stalking, rape, and other hate crimes so a lot of females would or should be reluctant to just give their phone number to some random stranger who just asked their name and wants their phone number.


I think the best way to approach someone is to say, "Hi, how are you? What's your name?" Then start a conversation with them. Say something like, "You caught my eye because..." or "I noticed you standing there and wanted to come over and say hello." Women usually respond to those types of lines. Most of us don't like to feel like a piece of meat that some guy wants to have his way with. Sincerity is a must and intelligence is very sexy.

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If I met the person at school or was introduced I would like to talk with them, have several pretty good conversations that included flirting and in-depth talking for at least a couple of weeks. It would really depend on how many times we actually talked within those few weeks. But, let's say at least about 3 good conversations before I was asked out.


I gave my other opinion based on being approached in a public place.

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If I met the person at school or was introduced I would like to talk with them, have several pretty good conversations that included flirting and in-depth talking for at least a couple of weeks. It would really depend on how many times we actually talked within those few weeks. But, let's say at least about 3 good conversations before I was asked out.


I gave my other opinion based on being approached in a public place.


Gotcha. Ok, so at least 3 good conversations it is. I'm not so good at body language. Would saying nice things and maybe some compliments be enough?

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I just gave a rough estimate of 3 good conversations because I think about 3 good conversations gives both people a chance to get to know one another a little bit. What you need to do is just talk to whoever it is you want to ask out and see how it goes. Try those approaches that I gave you to start with.


The thing with just compliments are that some girls think you are just trying to pick them up or just want one thing. Even though compliments may be sincere, they don't show your character or who you are and don't give the girl a chance to really say anything to let you know that you are listening to her and care what she thinks. If you are able to actually have a conversation with a girl, that's letting her know that you care about what she thinks about things and you are interested in getting to know her, not just wanting to get into her pants or make out. Remember, that if she says yes about going out with you or gives you her number, you are going to have to have a conversation with her anyway. So why not start with one?


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Ok. I get it now. So, just starting a conversation is enough to hint her that you're interested, right? I'll try it. I know I'm getting better at making conversations with girls I find really cute. I've already tried it a couple of times, but unfortunately, the one it worked on the best was just like visiting our class... I mean, she was not really part of the class and she isn't in any of my classes, but I talked to her because I was once just standing there and she came and said hi to me, and I said hi back. So, I thought it was strange because she's the only one who's done that. So, as soon as I saw her, I decided it was my only chance... I said hi because she was looking at my work, and then I said "have I seen you somewhere?" playing dumb, but unfortunately, she didn't remember, but I did, lol. So, she said "I dunno. Where?" and I said "maybe in the hallways. I just think I've seen you before." then I asked her name, and she gave it and asked for mine. Then I asked where she was from, and she told me, and I told her where I was from. And she seemed flattered, which I guess is the goal, right? Anyway, should I try something like that again but with someone who is in one of my classes?

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Dead Eyes, yes, starting a conversation by playing dumb is good because it's subtle. That's the way a woman usually does things. Starting a conversation with her is enough to let her know that you are interested because she will realize that you noticed her. Women are very analytical and sometimes overly-analytical.


The way you started talking to that girl was very good. A conversation also leaves a girl with something to remember you by other than a pick up line or just telling her your name and asking for a number. She'll be more likely to say yes to a date or to give you her "real" number if she likes you and knows you a little. Women are also big conversationalists. If you know this about us then you know something that most men NEVER realize. We like to talk and over-talk stuff. So even though you may think small talk is boring and a waste of time, I promise you, it's not!


Good luck and tell us what happens!

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