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I need advice :/


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So there is this girl who I had a thing going on in the past, but some things went wrong and we just ended in bad terms with each other. Maybe 4 months passed or so and she has came accross my mind. Well she always been on my mind because she's a person who I really adore and care about. I messaged her to see how she was doing, and she messaged me back thanking me for asking how she was. I told her that if it was possible if we can start all over and maybe fix the broke bridges from the past. She agreed and said she is willing to start all over but being as friends. I told it sounds great, but to be honest I do respect her decision but deep down I still have the same feelings towards her I had 4 months ago. I told her if I would be able to see her, and she responded by saying yea. She gave me a day because I went with her schedule since she is a working and busy women. Sadly we weren't able to hang out that day she gave me because she went out of town to visit some family. I told her I got her a Christmas present and I wanted to give it to her when she got back. She said that she works everyday except Christmas. That day is meant to be spent with her family and I don't really want to interfere.


The real problem from all this is myself, part of me tells me that I don't want to bug her in anyway I want to tell her I don't want to be a obstacle to her but instead I want to be able to support her, and if it means leaving her alone then I would do so. I just want the best for her, really I do. Then again part of me wants to keep fighting for her. Most of my friends tell me that it COULD be a second chance she is wiling to give me. I'm just confused with myself I guess.

What do you guys think of it? No straightforward comments I would appreciate if you let me down easy if your going to tell me to move on because honestly speaking sometimes we don't want to hear the ugly truth. Thanks in advance

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4 months might have been a decent amount of time for you both to reflect on everything. It would seem like she is interested in reconciling slowly as well. I say go for it.


Hmmm the thing is it was mostly my fault We weren't actually together yet, we were dating and it seem like we had mutual feelings because we had kissed and cuddle nothing more. I had post threads in the past and most people had adviced me to leave her alone


But your advice gives me hope on not giving up. Thank you most likely I'll patiently wait and see what happens.

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