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Is It Time

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[link removed posted on here a while back about my ex and basically came to the conculsion that i just had to wait.

well just recently shes been much more forward with me. like like she begins convo's with me (we mostly communicate through msn cos we live a bit apart. not far but enough to mean we only have the chance to see each other at weekends and i dont really fone her which was 1 of my downfalls) anyhoo


yea an then today she asked for for pic of her (which she presumed i still had, which i did )


is this just me reading too much into things?



how could i find out if she is ready?



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yea the reson she gave was that it wasent the right time to have a boy friend. which to begin with sounded like BS but i think it might actully be true and that she just wants the freedom an she is a big flirt. and she hasent had a bf since to my knowledge.



yea well this was a pic of lets say a part that men havent fully developed so i doubt showing her mine would be any good.

really puzzeld me why she asked for it thou its been 2 months ,1 week and 1 day since we broke up.



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sorry i aint 2 great at explaining.


like i said this is probably nothin but...


well when we were goin out i manged to get a picture of her 'chest'(she v camera shy,ive only got about 2 or 3 of her). then today she asked for one of then that she knew i had taken. and i emailed it to her.


why she wanted it i dont know. any girls got an idea?



sorry and thanks

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yean close to but it was taken on my phone so it was electronic and so ive still got a copy. and it dont think it was that because there's been no nastyness afterwards still friends.


but were kinda deviating do u think its time for me to ask her again or at least ask her if she would consider it or sumthing?



thanks for your help so far

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