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Is there a surgical process to stop orgasm permanently?

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Some of you have been SO incredibly INCONSIDERATE and INSENSITIVE!



If anyone reaches out for advice it's not very welcoming or constructive to belittle that persons problem(or the person itself, sheesh!), no matter how trivial it might seem to someone else. To the person who has the problem it might be a _very_ big deal.


The 'advice' about 'simply' stoping whatever causes the orgasm, is kinda similar to someone going to the doctor because of a serious neck problem. The doctor asks "when does it hurt", and the patient says "when I move my head" to which the doctors says "Then don't do it!".


The solution is almost never as easy as that.





Even though I doubt the thread starter will return -- not sure I would -- I hope he(you) will. There _are_ many ways these days to control those bodily functions that does _not_ involve cutting anything of or killing you.


I would guess that for an hyper-active sex drive one likely route would involve taking anti-androgens(even birth control pills contain an amount of these I think..so it's not poison) shots or pills. The proper dosage could be made to just take of the edge but still make possible a "normal" sex life if you would want to. The complete suppression(temporary) could also be accomplished, and might be a risk if you don't get help from a real doctor. Because dosages vary depending on so many individual factors that getting the 'stuff' yourself, from some back alley or the internet and guessing your dose might cause unwanted effects.

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That's the thing. I am hoping that I am not one of the people being viewed as inconsiderate, but I simply can't give good advice if I don't understand the reason. If this person wants constructive advice, we have to know WHY. Certain things only work in certain situations. If it's a pain problem, for example, there may be alternatives that are better in the long run than a surgical procedure. But I can't help if I don't understand the problem.


People ridicule what they don't understand. I have a feeling that most of the people who have posted are simply confused by the concept because there aren't too many people who WOULD want to stop an orgasm, and, like me, they just don't see what the problem is. We only understand our own experiences. We can't understand what other people feel and experience unless they share with us. I'm sure no one here was intending to come accross as malicious....

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I didn't really see anyone say anything inconsiderate to the poster. It is a weird sort of question, and the person never explained what the situation is that they were dealing with...what is a pectorectomy, any way> is that castration?


That person should go to a doctor or a psychiatrist, not post on enotalone...I have never heard of someone that is disturbed by orgasm...I was kind of wondering if it was a hoax...the only other person that I was thinking it could be would be someone who wanted to give up sexual responses for a religious reason.


Some people see sex as evil and that if they can live their lives without it then they can be more peaceful. It isnt a casual type of a problem and we obviously aren't prepared to respond to a question like that....

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