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relationship advise

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i need some advise on a problem between me and my boyfriend. we have been having problems lately and i need some advise to help fix them. i have been getting mad over little things lately and i make him mad. i need to know if i can possible change how easy i get mad. all i want to do is make him happy and i REALLY dont want to lose him. i have been with him for almost 2 years now, and i can tell that how i act hurts him. please reply with advise.

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looks like ur gettin too comfortable..

i think..u guys need to communicate!! i think its cuz of lack of communication..if there is sumthing u need to tell him..i suggest u to tell him..or think positive...i wan u to think about..how would u feel. if ur not wit ur boyfriend..if u feel lonly ..sad..hurt.. i suggest u to try not to get mad and..talk to him..


talk to him b4 u get mad..or if u mad..talk to him wit caring..cuz i'm pretty sure u dont wan to lose him..


hope i helped

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Hi snoodle,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that you're not so happy in your relationship lately. I understand that you're into little fights as of late.


Mashimaro used exactly the right word: "Communication". Communication leads to a better understanding. Talk to your guy why you are feeling uncomfortable lately. Communication is one of the basics and foundation of any relationship.


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck in your relationship.


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Snoodle. What "little things" are you getting mad about? Obviously they are things that you don't like so don't apologize for the way you feel. You need to communicate with him and tell him whatever he's doing that makes you mad, to simply not do it anymore. IF he keeps doing the same things that make you angry, he doesn't respect you and you don't deserve him. Communication is the key thing. These things may be "little things" that make you angry, but if you think about it, they are making you angry, so they are not so little. It's obviously something that's ticking you off and it really bothers you. Next time he does something that makes you angry, don't get all crazy and just tell him "hey, what you just did or said is making me angry". Talk to him about it, tell him why it's making you angry, and simply ask him not to do things like that. But you two need to communicate. That's the key major thing

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