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Hi cutelittlechef,


You're not comfortable enough... *grins*. Your b/f better accept you for who you are and respect you for who you are. I know some guys that would be really attracted to very skinny young women. It varies from person to person what they look for.


If I were you I wouldn't worry too much. I am sure you look all fine and pretty. Besides that, it's really the inside that matters anyway. I hope that this helped you gaining some more confidence and I wish you a happy future with your b/f.


~ SwingFox ~

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Hi cutelittlechef,

I agree, you should let your boyfriend know that you're hurt when he makes these comments. I'll be honest, we guys sometimes say things without fully thinking through how it sounds (of course, some women do the same! )

All guys like different things. I personally prefer a woman with some meat on her bones, but I know several guys who like a woman to be very thin and petite. I'd say it's really a matter of you being comfortable with yourself, that's what's important.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doesnt sound like hes trying to hurt your feelings. If those features about you bother him, he more than likely wouldnt say anything about them, and if he knew the comments bothered you, he definitely wouldnt. Sounds like hes more than content with you than you are with yourself. Don' worry bout it hon.

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