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Does she like me or not?


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I am very confused from the signals from which I have been receiving from this one girl. At first I thought she liked me, I asked her out, she tells me she would but has a boyfriend, later on she dumps her boyfriend. Now it is complete awardness, when I am near her she smiles but looks the other way, but I still catch her staring at me, and she never says anything to me. Does this mean that she likes me or doesn't like me? Should I ask her out again? I am afraid that if I pursue this any more that it may become even more awardward when I am around her.

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I've been in this situation before alright! and I'm afraid the only way to know if she wants to go out with you is to ask her again.


But what was her boyfriend like? Was it serious? Is there any chance she'll go back with him?


Where do you see her / know her from??


When you next see her, make her feel relaxed, say hi and tell her that you were just thinking about her, she'll then reply (if she is decent) oh really thats nice to know etc. ---then ask her out.


If she fumbles and makes excuses ...... just let it go, and if she avoids you from this point on then take it as a NO.


Just apply caution with this one, ie. don't make a fool of yourself. Be confident in all your actions.


Don't feel awkward round her, if she says no, then its her problem and you just move on.


All the best. Keep us posted.

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Go up to her and start a conversation, notice her actions. If see exposes her neck , plays with her hair, keeps eye contact with you,flushed on her neck or face. If she does these than she likes you. If she repeatedly looks at the groung looks at other guys passing by, does something with her cellphone, she doesn't like you

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