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Guys with long nails


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I really didin't notice until over the summer. And then I noticed several guys young and not so young with long nails! And they were longer than mine! You could tell the younger guys looked macho. Since I've been in college I've been looking and I haven't seen the long nails yet. So, that was really strange!

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Um, I sometimes have about half an inch beyond the fingertips. Though at the moment probably quarter of an inch.


I'm quite curious, could you possibly tell me in what way it's gross? Is it the fact it's a guy or that you just don't like long fingernails at all. Would it be ok for a female? In that case, why would it be ok for her?

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I spend lots of time grooming my nails too but when they're ungroomed it's a little uncomfortable to see. Maybe it's a cultural thing but you usually don't see guys with long nails. I guess if the guy is comfortable with it then it's okay. But I think it would seem difficult if both partners ave long nails. Everybody would keep getting scratched.

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but non-groomed nails are very gross!


So true. If one ain't prepeared to do the up-keep one shouldn't grow the nails either.

The main reason for me ever trimming mine down is becouse it's rather annoying to have too long while typing on a keyboard. And I do that quite alot so...



I guess if the guy is comfortable with it then it's okay.


I'm glad to hear that!, was wee afraid it might have been a gender thing lol.

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I think guys with trimmed nails look more hygenic because short nails are so easy to keep looking healthy!


Your probably right, though do you instinctivly think that someone is _not_ hygentic if they have long nails or do you take a look first weather or not they are in fact gross before thinking it?

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Okay, I see your point.


Some girls find long hair,make up,long nails etc on guys sexy/attractive or cool while some find it the exact opposite. I'm still trying to get a grasp over what is the most common feelings of the female population if there even is such a thing. I mean, everyone is individuals but perhaps one can't ignore that there _might_ be something that the _large majority_ shares on things like this. How it connectcs, what kind of people(females) who go for one type of guy or another (what experiences they've had that might have made them form those feelings etc..). hmm.. it's difficult to be a guy nowadays -- not that I've done anything to my appearance becouse of someone else.. yet.. but I wouldn't put it past me to do it if I found a good enough reason lol...


Well.. the sun will rise in a little while, gotta go play some bagpipe(an instrument that doesn't care how long your nails are! lol) til it does. Thanks for replying, it's always interesting to get insight into other peoples train of thought.

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lol. You two got there before me! I was just about to say the same thing. I keep the index and middle finger-nails on my right hand at about 1/8th of an inch, because I play the bass guitar. It looks weird, as the rest of my nails are short, and, I suppose, fairly "well groomed". However, it DOES make me feel a little uncomfortable. No-one seemed to notice for ages, but recently a couple of friends noticed. They werent so much "Err, you have long nails!" but "Ooh, you have long nails!" They were girls, but didnt seem too grossed out, especially when I said why. They just seemed...interested!

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