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feelings for a friend.....

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well i really liked this girl i didnt know before and over the months i became very close with her as friends.couple weeks ago i told her how i felt and she gentle tried to discourage me. couple of weeks later we've become even closer as in flirting and gave me the wrong impression about "us".when i realized that she didnt feel the same way i was SO MAD i told her off on the phone and made her cry(i wasnt even screaming or cussing at her).Every time i see her i still get mad at her inside ,after all she is the only girl i could not get at.I juss find it so difficult to talk to her now b/c my emotions overpowers me with jelousy ,anger, and saddness.

How do i help myself?

I know theres others girls out there (trust me i tried forgetting about this girl with other prettier girls)but i really wanted this one as my girlfriend.


thankz to anyone who replies

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sorry to hear about this buddy.. anyways i think you should call her up and straighten things out and you did say the two of you were close so i guess she might be understanding and might just put everything in the cloest.. but it's hard to change a decision once she's made it.. i guess you misread her signals.. depends what you defined as flirting i suppose....

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I know how you feel man. Everytime Im ready to start dating again the same thing happens....a few months into dating and WAM I get hit with another chick I really start to like and I cant stop thinkin about her. Thats what happened to me recently, but for me things are goin well. Me and the girl are dating and will probably "hook up" soon. But for you my friend, I think you need to just swallow your pride and try your best to be her friend. You never know, if you're sweet and nice to her for a while, she may end up falling for you. Just give it time. And if it doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to, life goes on. 0X

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i guess you misread her signals.. depends what you defined as flirting i suppose....


no she gave me ALL the signals



-legs crossed at you

-playing with her hair

-talking to me in light tone

-laughing at my jokes when there not funny

-calling me

-used to act different around me


i really just think she doesnt allow herself to have feelings for me b/c i just found out she is still no over her ex

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