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I think I heard a reference to this web sight on my local news last night.


The story had to do with a young woman that has "body dismorphic disease" who would feel that she is extremely ugly, even tho she really isn't. It is similar to anorexia, but the perception is of another part of the body rather than the amount of fat or over all size of the body.


At the end of the story, when they did the conclusion, they said that the lady uses a websight to make her feel "less alone," and that the websight has really helped her to feel like she isn't the only one facing this sort of adversity.


It just sounded familiar. Anyone else have that kind of thing happen?

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I just thought it was sort of cool, when they started to mention the stuff that we say to each other here....That the girl didn't have to suffer in silence that she didn't feel so alone, it could be some other website, but it sounds like the kind of stuff that we cover here.


By the way it was in Sacramento, that I heard this news report.

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The really weird part is that I feel that we all "touch" each other in that same way. It is an inexplicable feeling of goodness to come here everyday, see what people are doing and tell them little stories or ideas that make them feel better. Maybe that girl is reading this, or someone who just stumbled accross the websight is reading this, it really boggles the imagination to think how many people are reading the things that we write on here.

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