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I need help "Making the move."

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Hi im a teenager in canada and i have a new girlfriend. i know shes ready to make out from friends etc. And there heas been chances ive sat next to her alone and stuff., but i dont knwo im having trouble making my move. You know to like make out. I dont know if i feel stupid or not brave enough. does ne one have ne methods or something to ease into it somehow.



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Hey mark, dont know how old you are but im 15, and the other night the same thing happened to me. Theres been this girl ive been seeing but nothing has ever gotten too seriouse. But the otherday we were hanging out in her backyard with a couple of friends and were really getting along great. Heres how things worked out for me:


First off was just conversation, just talking getting along, As we talked though sometimes our eyes would connect and we would just stare at eachother and smile. Next was like little touches and feels, walking around with my arm around her or using the excuse of looking at her ring to hold her hand ....And then finally we were just sitting there talking and staring at eachother when we just kissed and took it from there. I say the move you should make are the little ones like i said, the arm around her, hugging her, those kinds of things. This way you can ease up the tension to that moment. A kiss is the greatest thing because its a good signal as to how much more you can do. Take it from there bud, hope i could help

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys just wondering if you have sex with an animal does that still make you a virgin because im a strong believer in true love waits. I was raped by my dog while i was asleep and i think im pregnant. Is this possible? i dont know if i want to keep the baby..... anyway guys thanks for you help please tell me what to do

have a great night think of me xoxoxoxox

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apart from LifeIsGood...


what makes you think its the guy who makes the move?


girls let you know what they want and when they want it, its one thing to put ur arm around her but another to move further.


If she likes ur arm around her and she lays back in your arms and stares into your eyes then you kiss her, if she moves her face close to yours eye to eye, kiss her.


but don't blow it all by believing the bullshoot thats your mates come out with or you will bow it!

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