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Sometimes harder than other??


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Hi all, I'm currently in a semi long distance relationship - 3 hour drive from each other. Lately it seems to be becoming harder and harder, like harder being away from him and harder to not seem like were living separate lives completely? Does anyone sometimes feel like this, and does it get somewhat easier again??

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Although my LDR just broke up with me, it wasn't the distance that caused it. For us it got easier to accept the distance, over time. We too were 3-4 hours apart, but we texted every day, lots, saw each other most nights to say goodnight online, and woke with each other on web cam, it kept things close.

In the beginning I would weep when he left, but I learned to accept the distance and know we'd be together again soon.


Hope that helps

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My boyfriend lives in another country and it's sometimes really hard because I miss him but I try to keep myself occupied and do the things I enjoy. I think it's important to have a date of when you'll see each other next so then you can have something to look forward to and you know that it won't be long until you can see him again.

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