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Should I talk to him? Does he like me?


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I'm 14 yrs. old and i like this guy who is 15. We go to different schools, but i see him once a week at church. I don't know him that well cause we really haven't talked much. but I find him looking at me sometimes. I really wanna talk to him but I'm not sure how b/c i tend to be shy around guys. I know he has ICQ, as do I, but I can't strike up the courage to talk to him. HELP!

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I am shy too so I can understand this problem. I think it would be great if you could talk to him on icq so you should try to get his icq. But if you just cant bring yourself to ask him maybe you could get one of your friends to do it. Or maybe you could pass him a note. You might try talking about it with friends when he is nearby. If he over hears you talking about icq he might offer you his # then it would be easy. Or perhaps you could ask one of his friends that you feel more comfortable talking to to help you? These are just some ideas that popped into my head. Good luck!

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This must sound really crazy, but my friend likes a girl named Kristen in his sunday school class, i was wondering if that was you? again, i know its crazy, and i dont mean to take up your time, but you share some attributes with her. Thanks alot



PS. after my experiances, (i'm really shy myself) i have to say, that you should talk to him, guys on the most part, dont bite. If hes looking at you, he likes you, or one of his friends do. Just strike up a converation about anything, it wont really matter.


Good luck


-- Darknova

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I feel like your story is more or less the carbon copy of twenty of mine. I never got anywhere with those experiences, though. But i would say that everyone else here is right. Try to talk to him on icq. Try to talk to him in church, of course its tough for us shy people , but think about it: do you really have much to lose? oh yeah, and the note thing is a really good idea!! If he is at all interested, he will definitely write back... i would!

well anyways good luck...

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thanks for your ideas. we have church on wednesdays, so i have some time to think about it. one thing i forgot to add though, he is in the church band (drums) so i cant exactly pass him a note, but thank you that anyway, it was a good i dea. i'm also gonna think about adding him to my icq list, maybe i'll be able to talk to him.. thanks guys for your suggestions!

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